Aloe BlaccがAviciiの30歳の誕生日にトリビュートソング”Things You Left Behind”を捧げる!

Aloe BlaccがAviciiの30歳の誕生日にトリビュートソング”Things You Left Behind”を捧げる!

先日、2019年9月8日に30歳の誕生日を迎えたAviciiことTim Bergling。

多くのDJ/プロデューサーたちもAviciiに祝福のコメントを送りましたが、“Wake Me Up”“SOS”でもコラボしたアメリカ出身のシンガーソングライター、Aloe BlaccはAviciiへのトリビュートソングにもなっている楽曲“Things You Left Behind”を公開しました。

Aloe BlaccはInstagramでその曲とともに、アートや新しいことに挑戦する大切さを含むアドバイスを兼ねた長文メッセージを投稿。

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Today would have been Tim Bergling's 30th birthday. The news of his passing stunned me as it did all who were moved by his music and I am terribly sad that he is no longer with us. When I heard he was gone my heart immediately went out to his family and the words to this song came to me. I had only spent moments on stage and in the studio with him, but his family had spent years watching him grow. As a father of two young children myself I couldn't imagine the tragedy of living beyond them and having to gather the things they have left behind. I thought I would take today, Tim's birthday, to remember and to share what I learned about art from him. Take the risk. As an artist, if ever you feel nervous about something, it's better to take the risk than to regret it. When we created "Wake Me Up" there was no blueprint for the combination of sounds and no example of success to rely on. Lead rather than follow. Mavericks don't follow trends, they create them. Tim reminded me of what I learned so well in my experience during the golden era of Hip Hop, which is to create your own style. When others begin to use your style, just keep it fresh and switch it up. Be brave and bold. I know Tim was way more comfortable in the studio than in most other places that music took him. But he learned to step out and embrace millions of fans with his live performances. I imagine the most fearful performance would have been the debut of the music from TRUE at Ultra. He was nervous, but he did it anyway. While other performers had the usual lasers, pyro and girls in bikinis, Tim shared the stage with musicians and singers that helped him craft a groundbreaking album. Ignore outside opinions. Criticisms are everywhere and they are increasingly negative rather than constructive. It's important to listen to your inner voice and have confidence in the art you create. The few trusted voices in your inner circle can be helpful, but when it comes to art, always trust your gut over others. Ultimately, the integrity in a work of art lies with the creator and no one else. The most important thing I think I learned from working with Tim was to embrace collaboration. Rest in peace, Tim

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本来なら今日、Tim Berglingが30歳を迎える日になるはずだった。彼が亡くなったというニュースは私含め、彼の音楽に影響を受けた人たち全てに大きなショックを与えたし、今はもう遠い場所にいってしまったと思うととても寂しいよ。彼の訃報を聞いたときすぐに彼の家族のもとに駆けつけて、彼らの前でこの曲で書いている言葉が口から出たんだ。Timとはステージやスタジオでわずかな時間しか一緒にいられなかったかもしれないけど、Timの家族はずっと彼の成長を見てきた。自分自身も2人の子どもを持つようになったけど、あのような悲劇を乗り越えて生きることのつらさは想像を絶すると思う。今日、この30歳の誕生日に彼の作品から学んだことを思い出し、みんなにもシェアしたいと思ったんだ。
アーティストだったら、ときにはナーバスになることもあるかもしれないけど、後で後悔するよりかは絶対に思いきってやってみた方がいい。僕たちが”Wake Me Up”を作ったとき、どうやってサウンドをコンビネーションさせるか詳細な計画なんてなかったし、成功するなんていう保証もなかったんだから。


昨日のAviciiに関連したKygoとSandro Cavazzaの記事でも触れましたが、Aloe Blaccもまた12月5日にスウェーデン・ストックホルムで開催されるAviciiのトリビュートコンサートに出演することが決定しています。



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