

Galantisのメンバー、Christian Karlssonが怪我の治療に専念するため、当分の間ショーをキャンセルすることを発表しました。



数時間前、GalantisがSNSで発表した声明によると、GalantisのChristian Karlssonは先週末に韓国で行ったショーの最中に2つの靱帯を損傷。

ドクターから当分の間、パフォーマンスを控えるよう通告されたそうで、Christian Karlsson本人は予定していたショーを止むを得ずキャンセルすることになってしまったことをファンに深くお詫びするするとともに、回復させることにしっかり専念し、できる限り早く復帰することを約束しました。

今年5月にはMartin GarrixもラスベガスのOMINIAでのショーの最中に靱帯が断裂し、約4週間あまり全てのショーをキャンセルして治療に専念していました。




Press Statement: Martin Garrix forced to cancel all shows coming weeks It is with deepest regrets that Martin Garrix has to announce that he is forced to cancel all his shows the coming weeks due to a serious ankle injury suffered during his show in Las Vegas on May 25th. Even though feeling positive after some days of rest, further examinations have determined that all his ankle ligaments are torn and surgery is needed to prevent permanent damage to his ankle. Therefore Garrix is forced to follow the specialist’s advice and cancel all his shows for at least the upcoming four weeks. Garrix: ’’I’m devastated that I have to cancel these shows since nothing makes me happier than performing for you guys. I feel most alive when I’m on stage, seeing you guys smile. I was really looking forward to it and I never want to disappoint my fans. Unfortunately this is out of my control and I will need a surgery and enough rest to fully recover. If I don’t get surgery now I might permanently damage my ankle, which could mean I won’t be able to perform at all anymore. I want to thank everyone for their continuous support and I hope to be able to get back on stage to perform for you guys again really soon.’’

Martin Garrix(@martingarrix)がシェアした投稿 –




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